Wall Art

Australian Landscapes & Wall Art

My Fine Art prints are provide on canvas or a cotton rag paper. I use exclusively Canson Infinity papers for all of my printing. Canson Infinity Rag Photographique is a 100% cotton museum grade paper. The exceptional smooth white tone is achieved during manufacturing by introducing natural minerals to the process.

It has been developed to address the need for continued longevity requirements in the Digital Fine Art Market.
Whether used for Black and White images or full colour prints. It has the ability in conjunction with Canon Lucia inks to produce stunning fine art prints.

Also the combination of The Rag Photographique with the canon Lucia inks produces an outstanding longevity.
I find that using Canson Infinity Museum ProCanvas Water Resistant with no additional brighteners added. Manufactured from 100% pure cotton base, allows me to produce stunning images as though they were paintings.
All of my canvases are coated with a polyurethane for added protection against living contaminants. and to help with UV protection.

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